
To measure the connecitivity of the city we use the municipal geographical division of the city called wards. Connectivity Score is the basic metric used to measure the connectivity of different wards of the city. Connectivity Score of ward x with respect to ward y is define as the follows : -
For every bus stop is ward x, sum of the total number of trips from this stop to every other stop in ward y. The total sum of the trips is then normalised by the product of the number of stops in ward x and the number of stops in ward y.
Cx(y) = Connectivity score of ward y with respect to ward x.
nx = number of stops in ward x
ny = number of stops in ward y
t(i,j) = number of bus trips in a day from ith stop jth stop
Cx(y) = [ Σi ε stops in ward x Σj ε stops in ward y t(i,j) ] / nx X ny

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